No matter where you are in your life and career, continuing growth is possible and necessary, just to keep up with our fast-paced world. We believe in life-long learning and believe that learning about oneself never stops. It’s easy to find courses all over the internet and in person to build technical skills. Where do you go to develop yourself, emotionally, intellectually, and in spirit?

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The Aligned for Life Model™ brings out the best in people by bringing together the Five Elements of Vocation, Relationships, Finances, Wellbeing, and Spirit.

Aligned for Life Model™️

Vocation. Loving what you do is key to producing results you’ll love. When your work engages and inspires you, fits your strengths, and aligns with your values, you’ll feel in flow. Your Vocation flows over into the rest of your life, which means it’s essential to find work that has meaning and purpose, for you, the company, and the world.
Relationships. The connections and relationships you build are vital to your success. A healthy support system can make all the difference between endless setbacks and uplifting victory. Whether you’re relying on others, or they’re relying on you, Relationships involve multiple parties and complex dynamics. It’s important that your Relationships are healthy and safe. Together, we can make sure that those Relationships are where they need to be.
Finances. Money can hold power over us in every facet of life, including your Vocation and Relationships. Both short-term and long-term financial goals require a determination to set things in order, as well as a desire to make necessary changes. By changing your mindset and relationship with your finances, you can change the rest of your life.
Wellbeing. Define what health, happiness, and success mean to you. We often learn our definitions from other people, societal pressures, and peers. Once you know what you want to achieve, it becomes much easier to do so. It’s time to seek out your own Wellbeing.
Spirit. You deserve to thrive in your work and life. A work environment that emphasizes Spirit embraces authenticity, so that you can bring every facet of yourself to your work and your life. Showing up authentically at work, at home, and in your relationships means you bring your whole self in everything you do. And that’s vital to what you do and how you do it: don’t stifle who you are.

Find your unique Aligned for Life combination
Our workbook Aligned Workplaces: Integrating Life and Work – A Practical Guide for Leaders and Teams guides you through the elements with stories, explanations, and activities to go deeply within yourself to discover your own unique blend of the Five Elements. Each person has their own combination – wouldn’t it be great to understand this about other people who surround you in life or work? Use the workbook to get the conversation going. You’ll be surprised at what you learn about yourself and others.

We use a suite of assessments for our clients’ use. From self-awareness, to emotional intelligence, to understanding our natural preferences, to workplace styles, we’ve got you covered. Our certified coaches and facilitators will provide an overview of the assessment, and then debrief you on your personal results and how they impact your life and work. Ongoing coaching is available to support changes, skill development, and accountability.
Energy Leadership® Index Assessment. This assessment provides a point in time view of how your thoughts create emotions that are projected in actions and outcomes. It’s possible to shift your thinking, understand your triggers, and realize why you do what you do.
EQ-I 2.0. This assessment includes 15 competencies that provide you with a picture of how you handle decision-making, manage stress, exhibit interpersonal skills, and understand your own perceptions as you express yourself. The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I 2.0) is a great tool for assessing emotional and social intelligence, which support or derails your leadership skills.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®). The MBTI assessment helps to identify your natural preferences in four areas: how you direct and receive energy, how you take in information, how you make decisions, and how you approach the outside world. Understanding yourself leads to understanding others who are different than we are. And that makes for an inclusive world.
Everything DiSC®. The Everything DiSC® Application Suite provides a group of assessments that delivers a framework of your work style, sales style, conflict response, personal management style, and EQ potential. These are helpful in building awareness for yourself and your team members.
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI®). This assessment determines how you respond to conflict when your needs differ from the needs of another. Identify your most common conflict style, then reflect upon whether it gets the results you want in life, relationships, and work as you explore other conflict-handling options.
See our Developing Leaders and Teambuilding Pages for additional assessments.

Radical Self-Awareness Retreat
Understand the life journey that created you, while understanding yourself more deeply through our Aligned for Life Model and tools like the Energy Leadership® Index Assessment. Leadership starts within you. You’ll determine the various roles that you lead in your life and work and create your own purpose statement to understand who you are and what you stand for. This program works beautifully in a retreat setting or location offsite and away from work. This can also be done 1:1 in a VIP Day with one of our Coaches.

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Ready to be more Aligned at Work®?
Let’s connect.
E. Palo Verde Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85250
(602) 888-0975
M-F: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm AZ MTN